Reiki (ray-kee), discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist in the early 20th century, is a healing technique used to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and aid in healing.
It uses "laying on hands", and techniques like this have been practiced for thousands of years. Reiki feels like a peaceful, energizing glow that moves through and surrounds your body. Today it's practiced in many hospitals and medical clinics, as it allows the body to create an environment to facilitate healing.
Reiki has a positive effect on emotions, illness, and injury from head/stomach aches, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, sleep problems, disease, or shifting emotional blocks.
The word Reiki is represented by two words (kanji) Rei - Universal Life, and Ki - Energy. When it's free it revitalizes the cells, and when it's blocked it reduces cell function.
What are similar examples?
In Chinese medicine, energy is described as Qi (Chi) and used in acupuncture or reflexology. In yoga, it's called Prana and practiced in meditation, asana, and breathing exercises.
Martial artists use it in their physical and mental training. This energy (Ki) flows along pathways inside the body (chakras, meridians, nadis) to and through the tissues and organs.
Reiki lifts the vibration in and near the physical body where thoughts and emotions (energy, ki) are attached.
Negative, blocked energy is melted, and positive, free energy clears and heals these pathways. Reiki can never cause harm; it always knows what a person needs and adjusts.
Like Attracts Like
The flow of energy is all around us, and we accumulate, guide and influence it with our mind. For example, positive thoughts create a space for positive emotions, and our energy grows stronger.
Negative thoughts create space for negative emotions, and our energy grows weaker. When we accept negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves, those negative thoughts become etched into our subconscious, which blocks or disrupts the flow of our energy.
What's a Reiki Session Like?
You should dress in loose, comfortable clothing. During the session, you'll rest comfortably on a massage table with shoes removed (on or under light covers, and warmed in the winter time), or if requested, you'll sit comfortably in a chair.
We'll discuss if you'd like hands-on with light touch (such as in a massage), or hands-off with hands slightly above the body. Music, essential oils, and tea (at your discretion) will round out the healing experience.
In a session with me, you may be asked to take a brief online Chakra quiz before the session, or we'll discuss areas you feel blocked. After you'll provide you with a worksheet of follow up care, such as teas, yoga postures, and journaling prompts to continue the release of blocks.
People experience Reiki in many different ways: you may feel anything from a warming sensation, tingling, laughter, increased energy, sudden yawning or hiccups, muscle twitches, to nothing but sheer relaxation. Overall, the session should be very peaceful, relaxing and revitalizing.