Reiki Level I


Usui Reiki Level I - Energy Work Attunement & Certification

Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 11 am in Minneapolis, Minnesota


Who is this for?

Parents, caregivers, healing practitioners, medical professionals, and those that wish to learn more about subtle body healing. 


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a profound practice that can bring vast benefits to self and others. At the same, it is an essentially simple practice that anyone can learn. This foundation course is the most important of all levels of training. It’s open to anyone, regardless of experience. 

"Usui Shiki Ryoho - the Usui System of Natural Healing - is a Japanese Healing Art. This form was founded in Japan a little over 100 years ago a by Mikao Usui, whose personal search to understand healing led him to Reiki. He developed his practice in Japan and in 1937 Reiki was introduced to Hawaii, by Hawayo Takata Sensei. It is passed on from Master to student through teachings, a defined form of practice and initiation.

The Japanese word ‘reiki’ can be translated as ‘universal life energy’ and the Usui System is a way of working with reiki for healing of self and others. The word healing is used in the sense of regaining harmony and wholeness. Usui Shiki Ryoho addresses the whole person on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels and those that we cannot identify at the present." - Reiki Association



Learn about energy, the Chakra system, and how to read, understand and heal your energy.

❊ Pendulum Use
❊ The Chakra System
❊ Reiki’s History and Lineage
❊ Review the lineage of your Reiki Master passed down to you from Japan to the USA.
❊ Reiki Affirmations
Reiki Symbols
❊ Attunement Ceremony

Azahar Reiki


$200 plus $25 for Reiki Manual.
*$50 reservation fee (goes towards class total)


→ Coursework
→ Combination of hands-on experience, lecture, and discussion
→ What is Reiki energy
→ Reiki Ideals/Affirmations
→ History of Reiki
→ Human Energy System
→ Introduction to Usui Reiki Techniques
→ Hand Placement System
→ Giving Reiki to Yourself vs. Giving to Others
→ Guided Meditation
→ Scanning: Learn hand sensitivity to locate areas (aura)
→ Cleansing before and after healing
→ Receive Your Reiki I Symbols - activation and when to use them
→ Practice giving and receiving reiki with the other students
→ Discussion and questions about giving and receiving
→ Intention setting and journaling for the next month/next training
→ Practice parameters and suggestions

→ Manual: Reiki The Healing of Touch: by William Rand

*You may share Reiki healing with anyone, but not to be offered as a paid service until Reiki II Attunement.

Reiki Healing Energy

If you have more questions, please reach out to azahar @ or @leapoffaithlife on Instagram