Click Here for Listed Writing Samples on Jennifer Helene
Wedding Checklist: Bridal Coaching
5 Ways to Prepare Your Skin for Summer
12 Amazing Benefits of Lavender
6 Benefits of Ginger Lemon Tea
Love Your “Unloveable” Body For Spring
Remember to Eat Your Greens
10 Ways to Break Your Sugar Addiction
Aura Wellness Center Article: Pranayama, How & When Should We Teach Pranayama
Aura Wellness Center Article: Modified Asanas After a C-Section
Aura Wellness Center Article: Giving Yoga Students Safe Challenges
Aura Wellness Center Article: Preventing Yoga Injuries Through Continuing Education
Aura Wellness Center Article: Can Kids Yoga Create World Peace?
Viva La Social Revolucion! What’s Next in Technology for Social Media Crowdsourcing Power